Jul 12, 2009

TV'S in our childrens rooms & Why we want our children to READ, READ, READ

Photo taken by Aaron Escobar http://www.flickr.com/photos/aaronescobar/

Cheryl Lange of Lodestar ( http://lodestar.publishpath.com/community) posted this on her blog

For decades, Jim Trelease has been one of the best-known advocates of reading in America. His book Read-Aloud Handbook has made a huge impact on many families and education – and on me and my family and how we homeschool and what I teach others.

I will be sharing from some of his writings (From “Ten Reading Facts” brochure) over the next few blogs.

7. THE top winter Olympians come from states where they have the most ice and snow. And reading research shows that children who come from homes with the most print—books, magazines, and newspapers—have the highest reading scores. They also use the library more than those with lower scores. Libraries have the most and best books in the world—all for free. Remember: a used book for 50 cents— like you find in garage sales or thrift shops —has the same words as a brand new copy for $12.95. Reading families use the 3 B’s (to help the 3 R’s): Books, Bathroom, and Bed Lamp. Make sure there’s a box for books and magazines in the bathroom for idle or captive moments, and add one near the kitchen table. Install a reading lamp near the child’s bed and allow the privilege of staying up 15 minutes later to read (or just look at book’s pictures) in bed. It might be the most important night-school he’ll ever attend.

8. THERE is a strong connection between over-viewing of TV by children and underachieving in school. Simply put: those who watch the most know the least. Research shows that up to 10 TV-hours a week has no impact on children’s grades but beyond that the grades decline. Sixty percent of children now have a TV in their bedroom. Oh-oh! A side-by-side comparison of third-graders’ math and reading scores tells it all —scores of children with or without a TV in their bedroom (from —Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2005): Third grade math scores: 53.3 with TV in bedroom 63.1 without TV in bedroom (That is TEN whole points difference) Third grade reading scores: 47.5 with TV in bedroom 55 without TV in bedroom The average child spends 1,460 hours a year watching TV/DVD’s and playing computer games—equal to watching “Gone With the Wind” 392 times year. What about buying those computer programs or tapes you see advertised on TV that teach reading?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to write that. I found it very interesting. If you get a chance you should visit my blog as well. I hope you have a great day!