Here are a few pics just to prove that our child DOES get treats every once in a while, and to show you that she IS a HAPPY child.
Not a sheltered, miserable, unsocialized, homeschooler that has no joy in life. : )
Alessondra enjoying a Braum"s Yogurt twist cone
Alessondra waiting with her cousin Makayla for some popcorn
Alessondra & Makayla playing dress up at UnPluggits "Princess Cowgirls"
Alessondra & her Daddy roasting marshmallows
Alessondra collecting CANDY at the Storybook Forest, Arcadia with Gracie and Jackson
Oct 29, 2008
Oct 14, 2008
Do want to help me save lives?
Miracoulsly God has provided the $3330 to pay for my way to Africa!
I am continuing to raise money to meet the many needs that we will come across in addition to the expense of the travel.
If I have a patient I can not help, hopefully I can pay to send them to the hospital, or if there is a need for other meds, I could purchase them, I want to be able to buy, fruit and eggs for the orphans. There will be so many needs I can not even begin to list them all.
I plan to take pictures of the people/needs I am able to meet because of your generosity and will give you an account on what your money was able to do!
Please pray for our entire teams health, safety and that we will respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Below is more information, and how you can donate:
I am so excited to write this! I want you know about what God is leading me to do. As you more than likely know, one of God's calls on my life is missions.
I currently volunteer as a Physician’s Assistant at ROC medical clinic in Oklahoma City, and in the past have volunteered in other local shelters and clinics. I grew up without health insurance and vowed even as a young girl, that I would try to provide medical care to those that could not afford it or did not have access to it.
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Matthew 25:40
I have always had a burden for Africa and its people. A few days ago I was studying about Moses and his burden for the Hebrews. Moses felt inadequate and was reluctant to obey God and go back to Egypt to free his people. I feel the same way, but God is clearly is telling me to go to Sierra Leone, Africa with 4 H.I.M ministries, NEXT month! No, He did not speak to me through a burning bush as He did Moses, but I am just as sure He is speaking to me!
Through scripture, God has assured me: “I will be with you",
- Exodus 3:12
I trusted Him, that He could pull this all together in less than a month!
Let me give you some information on Sierra Leone (If you are the type that does not need details, please skip the next paragraphs):
Sierra Leone is the poorest country in the world, despite its richness in diamonds and minerals. The people see none of the benefits. They have been devastated by an 11 year civil war that has gained understanding by Americans only by the film “Blood Diamonds” and a book by Ishmael Beah, “A Long Way Gone,” that recounts his experience as a boy soldier. (Don't worry the war ended in 2002, and I will be safe!)
During this war, rebels burned homes and businesses indiscriminately, raped women and children, killed over 300,000 people, and caused incredible terror by amputating index fingers (“You will never be able to vote for freedom again”). Emboldened by the great fear it caused, rebels went on to amputate arms, legs, ears, and other body parts.
As a result of this genocide, many children were orphaned. While there we will minister to and serve an orphanage. (If you would like to learn more about the orphans go to and click on the link "Sponsor Now". It will give you a bio for each child. It will tell you how their parents and families were killed and give details on how they became orphans.)
While we are in Sierra Leone I will be doing medical clinics, visiting villages and amputee camps. We will give every person who comes to the medical clinics an opportunity to accept Christ. Of course, we would never make this a prerequisite, I will treat any one and everyone!
We will also be providing emergency medical attention to those who need it. Last time, 4-H.I.M. went many lives were saved because they were able to take them to the hospital and pay for their care.
I am told I will treat between 400-600 people! What an awesome opportunity!
This baby's life was SAVED because the last team that went was able to provide much needed medical care!
There are only three doctors for every 100,000 people in Sierra Leone. The average life expectancy is 38 years of age; this is only 3 years older than I am! I will be the ONLY medical provider on this trip. (Hence the reason for my insecurities and doubts I mentioned, but also the great need for me to do this!) I am told I will see between 400-600 patients!!
You may be thinking "So why don't they just graduate more doctors and other health care providers?” There is a medical school in Sierra Leone, but it has only just started up again following the war, and in 2006 there were only 7 graduates, 6 of whom left for Europe or the USA.
Three types of people do mission work: those that physically take part in mission work, those that pray for and lift up missions, and those that finance the missions.
Those that do the mission work usually must fund their own way on mission trips. I need to raise over $3300 to fund my participation in this wonderful opportunity. I am asking you to prayerfully consider participating with me through your financial support. Whichever way the Lord leads you, the blessing you will receive will be the same. You will be helping me to save lives!
All financial contributions, by the way, are tax deductible!
Miracoulsly God has provided the $3330 to pay for my way to Africa!
I am continuing to raise money to meet the many needs that we will come across in addition to the expense of the travel.
If I have a patient I can not help, hopefully I can pay to send them to the hospital, or if there is a need for other meds, I could purchase them, I want to be able to buy, fruit and eggs for the orphans. There will be so many needs I can not even begin to list them all.
I plan to take pictures of the people/needs I am able to meet because of your generosity and will give you an account on what your money was able to do!
You may donate electronically at Click on "donate now" at the bottom of the page. (In the comment section, please be sure to include my name so the donation will be applied to my participation in the mission.) Or you can send a donation in the mail. Every little bit will help!
Donations may be mailed to or I will come to you to get them:
Deziray Click
17412 White Hawk Drive
Edmond, OK 73012
call me at 405-408-3878
Please make checks payable to “4 H.I.M.” in order to receive a tax deduction.
I feel as Paul did when he wrote:
“Because a great door for effective work has opened to me, there are many who oppose me.”
- 1 Corinthians 16:2
I sincerely ask you to cover me continually in prayer as I prepare to go, even if you are unable to give financially to the mission. Thank you for letting me share this with you and for your consideration and help.
In His Service,
Deziray Click
Oct 13, 2008
Supporting the local Farmers market
Actual post date OCTOBER 24TH 2008
I try to visit the Edmond Farmers Market as often as i can, which isn't often enough. I have always had a desire to do this, but at first was too lazy to do it and thought "can it really taste THAT much better?" Well, let me tell ya, I am here to answer that LAST question, YES IT DOES! Click here to check out the Farmers Market around here.
I have recently started buying ground beef, from Whitmore Farms, they sell at the Edmond Farmers Market
OMG it is great, even Jeff, commented on how good it tastes.
It is cheaper than what I was paying at Crest. Saturday it was $3.25/ lb, at Crest I pay $3.55-$3.85/lb for the lean. If you can not make it to the market , they said you could call them to arrange a meeting. One of the owners works in the city so he could meet whenever the need arises. (Do you think I could get Crest or Walmart to meet me with a few steaks and ground beef when I need it?) Whitmore Farms LLC 405-466-2279
I love the fact that I am supporting local farmers and that what I am feeding my family is MUCH healthier, tastier and a smaller "carbon footprint." The last comment is dedicated to my tree hugging, hippy, lives in Colorado, hate to admit: registered democract, older sis!
So anyway I just wanted to share the info. This picture does not do the meal justice. We seasoned and cooked up beef patties, grill onions enjoyed this with a plate of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. All this was bought at the Edmonds Farmers Markt, and was locally grown. Some farmers market only sale locally grown produce but not all of them, So you should ask before you buy: "Where is this grown?"
More info on Farmers Markets:
Most fresh fruits and vegetables produced in the U.S. are shipped from California, Florida, and Washington.
Fruits and vegetables shipped from distant states and countries can spend as many as seven to fourteen days in transit before they arrive in the supermarket.
Most fruit and vegetable varieties sold in supermarkets are chosen for their ability to withstand industrial harvesting equipment and extended travel not taste. This results in little variety in the plants grown.
Premium Taste. Locally grown fruits and vegetables are usually sold within 24 hours of being harvested. Produce picked and eaten at the height of ripeness has exceptional flavor and, when handled properly, is packed with nutrients.
Maximum Freshness. By choosing local produce at farm stands, farmers markets, pick-your-own farms and grocery stores, you pay for taste, not transportation and packaging.
Unique Varieties. Local farmers often grow a large assortment of unique varieties of products to provide the most flavorful choices throughout the season.
Find a farmer, farmers' market, farm stand, or local food outlet near you, visit
Shop at your local farmers' market or farm stand for the freshest, best tasting food available. It's easy to find local food. There are over 3,100 farmers' markets in the U.S.—one is probably near you!4
Encourage your local grocery stores and area restaurants to purchase more of their products from local farmers.
Fruit, vegetables, meat and milk produced closer to home rack up fewer "petroleum miles" than products trucked cross-country to your table. How do you find them? Search by ZIP code for farmers' markets, greengrocers and food co-ops in your area. The website, which includes handy contact information in its directory listings, also identifies restaurants that specialize in regional and seasonal ingredients. If you really want to get close to the farm, join a Community Supported Agriculture project, which lets you buy shares in a farmer's annual harvest. In return, you get a box of produce every week for a season. It will take more than a few visits to the farm stand to reduce the carbon impact of the U.S. food supply. In the meantime, here's another reason to go local: the taste is great.
I try to visit the Edmond Farmers Market as often as i can, which isn't often enough. I have always had a desire to do this, but at first was too lazy to do it and thought "can it really taste THAT much better?" Well, let me tell ya, I am here to answer that LAST question, YES IT DOES! Click here to check out the Farmers Market around here.
I have recently started buying ground beef, from Whitmore Farms, they sell at the Edmond Farmers Market
OMG it is great, even Jeff, commented on how good it tastes.
It is cheaper than what I was paying at Crest. Saturday it was $3.25/ lb, at Crest I pay $3.55-$3.85/lb for the lean. If you can not make it to the market , they said you could call them to arrange a meeting. One of the owners works in the city so he could meet whenever the need arises. (Do you think I could get Crest or Walmart to meet me with a few steaks and ground beef when I need it?) Whitmore Farms LLC 405-466-2279
I love the fact that I am supporting local farmers and that what I am feeding my family is MUCH healthier, tastier and a smaller "carbon footprint." The last comment is dedicated to my tree hugging, hippy, lives in Colorado, hate to admit: registered democract, older sis!
So anyway I just wanted to share the info. This picture does not do the meal justice. We seasoned and cooked up beef patties, grill onions enjoyed this with a plate of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. All this was bought at the Edmonds Farmers Markt, and was locally grown. Some farmers market only sale locally grown produce but not all of them, So you should ask before you buy: "Where is this grown?"
More info on Farmers Markets:
Most fresh fruits and vegetables produced in the U.S. are shipped from California, Florida, and Washington.
Fruits and vegetables shipped from distant states and countries can spend as many as seven to fourteen days in transit before they arrive in the supermarket.
Most fruit and vegetable varieties sold in supermarkets are chosen for their ability to withstand industrial harvesting equipment and extended travel not taste. This results in little variety in the plants grown.
Premium Taste. Locally grown fruits and vegetables are usually sold within 24 hours of being harvested. Produce picked and eaten at the height of ripeness has exceptional flavor and, when handled properly, is packed with nutrients.
Maximum Freshness. By choosing local produce at farm stands, farmers markets, pick-your-own farms and grocery stores, you pay for taste, not transportation and packaging.
Unique Varieties. Local farmers often grow a large assortment of unique varieties of products to provide the most flavorful choices throughout the season.
Find a farmer, farmers' market, farm stand, or local food outlet near you, visit
Shop at your local farmers' market or farm stand for the freshest, best tasting food available. It's easy to find local food. There are over 3,100 farmers' markets in the U.S.—one is probably near you!4
Encourage your local grocery stores and area restaurants to purchase more of their products from local farmers.
Fruit, vegetables, meat and milk produced closer to home rack up fewer "petroleum miles" than products trucked cross-country to your table. How do you find them? Search by ZIP code for farmers' markets, greengrocers and food co-ops in your area. The website, which includes handy contact information in its directory listings, also identifies restaurants that specialize in regional and seasonal ingredients. If you really want to get close to the farm, join a Community Supported Agriculture project, which lets you buy shares in a farmer's annual harvest. In return, you get a box of produce every week for a season. It will take more than a few visits to the farm stand to reduce the carbon impact of the U.S. food supply. In the meantime, here's another reason to go local: the taste is great.
Left or Right...She is CUTE (In my opinion)
These pics are about 2 years old, but I thought with the upcoming election, it was a good time to post them.
More than likely you will never find a "political" argument on this blog. I am not about to get into that type of discussion, but Left or Right I would vote that she is a KEEPER!
When Jesus comes back, He won’t be riding an elephant or a donkey. He’s an Independent and He has the only vote that counts!
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God... Rom 13:1-2:)
Oct 8, 2008
My healthy "Food Buddy"
Alessondra and I went to Penn Square Mall the other day to visit our FAVORITE store, the Apple Store!
Anytime she knows we are going to this particular mall, I can count on hearing the SAME question, with excitement: "Can I have Sushi and Edamame, PLEASE?" The food court has a GREAT sushi bar!
Another place that we frequently visit because it was one of my Dads, AKA Papa Bear's favorite places, is Souper Salad.
Children her age eat for free, and if you know me this is very enticing! I guarantee they are reconsidering that deal, once they witnessed how much salad she can eat! She does not eat the unhealthy iceberg blend, with tons of sugary dressing and gold fish and raisins on top. Oh NO, my child goes for the broccoli, okra, spinach and carrot toppings with a big helping of vegetable soup, dressing on the side! She also wants pickles on it, lots and lots of pickles, which I am not too crazy about the sodium level in that....But hey she eats sushi and edamame with me, if she wants a pickle, by golly she can have one!
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