Jun 14, 2009

Jeff Click Homes up for Readers Choice Award 2009! Please Vote!

Friends, Family, and Associates,

Please pardon the "form letter" nature of this email, but I wanted to send this to those whom I think would be willing to help. I'm honored that my company, Jeff Click Homes was named a top-5 finalist for NewsOK/The Oklahoman's 2009 Readers Choice Awards in the category of "Best New Home Builder - North".

It's no secret that the housing industry is in a slump, and those who are still privileged enough to be surviving in the industry need everything they can get to keep some forward momentum. My staff and contractors have worked tirelessly over the past 18 months not only to make sure JCH survives, but gains market share and momentum through a tough time. I would love nothing more than to win this award for them as affirmation of my team's efforts in putting forth both the product and level of service worthy of such recognition. This would be a great morale booster, as well as a good PR tool for the company.

I would be very grateful if you would give us your support by voting for us in the Readers Choice awards, and each time you vote you make yourself eligible for a $500 shopping spree, or lots of other gift certificates. Here's how you can help...

1) VOTE ONLINE EVERY DAY: From June 11 through June 22, you can vote once per day online at by going to: http://www.JeffClickHomes.com/ReadersChoice
Once at the Readers Choice page, look for the "Home" category, which has a picture of a house with a yellow door, and you'll find Jeff Click Homes listed. Select us, then click submit and your vote is cast. (There are many other categories you might want to vote in, as well.)

2) GET YOUR SUNDAY, JUNE 13 PAPER: If you receive the paper, ballots will be included in this edition. If you are willing to fill it out and send it in, please do. If not, we'd love to get your copy of the ballot and we'll send it in. If you have neighbors, friends, or family that you have close access to, getting theirs to send in would be greatly appreciated, as well.

3) ASK OTHERS TO VOTE: If you have a friend, family member, or associate who would be willing to vote for us, we'd love you to pass this on. Please don't spam and mass email. Just personally pass it along to anyone that you think would be willing to support us.

Thanks so much,
Jeff Click
Jeff Click Homes

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